Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Weekend Post

The weekend is here, the sun is out and it's warm enough to shed the winter coat for an unbuttoned jacket. Life is good.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


A somber mood seems to have settled across the town as a reaction to the temporary disappearance of the sun. In reaction, the photo for today is equally somber and quotidian. I’m very interested in finding the photographically compelling in practically anything, not just the typical breathtaking travel photos (though they are great in their own right and I have many of them myself). So I present: table, chair, window and cabinet. Enjoy the contemplative.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hope Closed?

Not every day you see this. Luckily, I think this is only a temporary closing.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Sunshine Days

In honor of the BEAUTIFUL weather outside, today's photos are equally sunny. Above: St. Augustine, FL ; Below: Nice, France

Thursday, March 18, 2010

European Galavanting

I recently studied abroad in Prague, Czech Republic and have a multitude of favorite photos from my months of galavanting. I can guarantee this isn't the last of my Europe photos but here are two for starters. The above photo is the Charles Bridge in Prague and below is outside the Hungarian Parliament in Budapest.

A Beginning, of Sorts

Photography Fascination has made a site change! It's now, proudly and officially a member of the blogger community. Perviously is was found here: as an extension of a Shutterfly account but has since outgrown its humble beginnings. Enjoy!

Photo of the Day displayed above: Oxford, England.