Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cherry Blossoms

Despite my best laid plans this year of seeing the cherry blossoms in full bloom, Mother Nature had other plans. It was such a mild winter and unseasonably warm spring, that the trees became confused. So what would have been the peek of blossom time here in DC, turned out to be the slowly petering end of the last of the blooms. There was perhaps one tree still in full bloom that everyone flocked to in attempts to get that one beautiful photo of a full spring.

I honestly feel bad for the people who came to visit specifically for the blossoms, and for the planners of the 100 year celebration. By the time the parade and festival comes around, there will be little but a memory to celebrate. Perhaps they can look at these photos and take away a small measure of beauty to redeem the loss. :-) Ha. But I digress, while it was unfortunate at the lack of trees fully in bloom, I was able to capture a few nice shots.

Nothing like petal carpets, little kids enjoying outdoor freedom, and buds right off a trunk, right?


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